Here are some pictures of the set up with the head pone jack attached as well. When head phones are plugged in sound through the speakers is turned off. The headphone jack works great.
From Dreamcast Laptop |
I didn't want to just use the metal post from the potentiometer for volume control cause it wouldn't match the style of the tablet. I also didn't want to salvage a knob from something else because they didn't match what I wanted either. I wanted something that had a larger diameter and wasn't very thick. The only possession of mine that I could find that had a knob I could use was in active use. So I settled on making my own knob. I used a hole saw and cut out 3 pieces of acrylic that were the same size, and then one more of the next size up so that it would have a backing. I glued them all together, put a notch in it with my dremel and painted it. It turned out really well. Here are the final results.
From Dreamcast Laptop |
From Dreamcast Laptop |
(ignore the dust on it, it was stuff that settled on it after painting was complete)
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